Travel, Eat, and Explore your way through the world.


To travel away from ones zone of comfort is to seek out something new. Seeking out that which we are unfamiliar with, leads to learning. Learning leads to growth. And growth keeps us alive. Learning should be exhilarating. Life should be filled with the new and unknown. We look for opportunities to move around the world, to meet the neighbors in all community and all countries. To know our fellow humans for more than that which the news puts in front of us or what is shown in a holiday brochure. Adventure awaits off the beaten path in towns and cities around the world. We believe it is not only our goal, but in fact our duty to learn what is not known to us, befriend a stranger, and see the amazing world we live in first hand at any and every chance that presents itself, and when it does not, to make the opportunity ourselves.

The City

Walking through a city can entrance a traveller and at the same time, grow their heart.  Hearing the sounds, the smells in the air, the passing conversations overheard, and seeing the styles and visual beauties both obvious and hidden under the surface and around the corner, can beckon ones soul. No two cities are the same. Some may be similar, but each has its own personality. That of its people, its nation, its history, and its local. Spotting differences and similarities alike can stir up excitement in the loins. It creates a longing for the next, and once left, it can leave a small whole in the heart until one can return again.

Lanscapes / Nature

There are landscapes and monuments in nature so different from place to place, they can often seem like they are on different worlds. An ocean or bay in Ensenada Mexico, the villages in the south of India, a beach in the Caribbean or the monumental cliffs and mountains of Yosemite or the Swiss Alps; the fjords and glaciers of Norway a snowy countryside, or a desert full of dunes and wildflowers interspersed throughout. Nature calls us in our souls to be inside of it that is to wander through it. We have lost a part of who we are by constantly being comfortable, what does that means dry, cool, warm, our bodies have not adapted to this level of comfort, and so for many of us, we become sick. What time is spent outdoors, and nature can begin to change our moods. It can lift our spirits and strengthen ourselves about who we are, who we think we are, and who we want to become. It begs us be introspective and to understand the smallness of our being on this planet. It also helps us to appreciate our ability to live in those comfy places. Yet, less we want our bodies to completely fail us, we do well to heed the beckoning of the majestic wonders that the outdoors have to offer us around this magnificent rock that we call Earth.

The People

People are different, everywhere you go. Some live in the city, some in small towns, and other in the smallest villages. Some are high tech and live in what feels like the future. Some remain content in ways that resemble a look into the past. We speak different languages, listen to different musics, and have different histories. We are different color skins, eyes, and hair.  We have different facial and body features. Many face different struggles to overcome. To isolate ourselves because of the differences is to ignore that we have so much in common.No matter where you find yourself, people, no matter what, are all related. We are all one species. We all have the same human blood running through our veins. We all breathe the air. We grow, we live, we die. Embracing each other as brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters of the human race, our lives are enriched. Our hearts become full. Our experiences strengthen each other. We are one people. Sharing one planet. We each have but one life here on this Earth. It is together that we can all can live our best lives. Together as one family. 


Content Creator

Driven by meeting new people, discovering new places, tasting new flavors and hearing magical sound from around the world, I am dedicating this site to inspiring not only myself, my children, family and friends to broaden their paradigm, but anyone who stumbles on this little passion project I have embarked on creating to memorialize our family’s memories and adventures.

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“The world is full of wonderful things you haven't seen yet. Don't ever give up on the chance of seeing them.”

J.K Rowling