Travel, Eat, and Explore your way through the world.

Back to the Camera

Ohio River from the banks of Wesport, Kentucky I recently started feeling a pull. An uneasiness. Something has been dragging on me. I realized I felt like I had spent years learning and improving my photography, only to abandon it completely. Well, maybe not completely abandon it. I still take photos with my iPhone. But […]

La Grange: Kindness Capital of Kentucky!

The home seat town of our little county in here in Kentucky, just out side of Louisville, Oldham County recently had a visit from HGTV.  Recently dubbed the Kindness Capital of Kentucky, La Grange Kentucky is a historic and beautiful little town. It was a major draw for us when relocating to Kentucky and was […]

New Springs Park Pavilion Farmers Market

July is a wonderful time of the year. Especially here in small town USA. And especially when your town has something new to show off that will make the community even better. On July 1st, 2022, We were able to be at the grand opening of the Springs Park Pavilion on downtown La Grange, Kentucky. […]

Hey Boo Boo, let’s head to Jellystone!

1-2 week camping trips can be awe-inspiring. When I think of camping I typically envision getting out into nature, and seeing something fewer people see. How accurate that is remains to be seen. There are times though, when we just need a comma. That little separation from one sentence in our daily lives from the […]

Hopping Around Kentucky Down Under

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et nibh consectetur, tristique est sit amet, tempus odio. Ut nec rutrum sem. Suspendisse nec tortor tincidunt, vehicula lectus tincidunt, vehicula nulla. Nunc pretium fringilla nulla. Sed nisl sapien, convallis eu lectus at, auctor sodales ex. Integer volutpat tortor a purus dignissim bibendum. Suspendisse tempus condimentum […]

Venezuelan Food in the Heart of Louisville

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consequat turpis ac bibendum blandit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent vitae augue at libero scelerisque pretium ut nec quam. Aenean semper quis ipsum eget pellentesque. Ut eget ligula aliquet, suscipit quam ac, aliquam ligula. Mauris euismod erat in gravida congue. […]