Travel, Eat, and Explore your way through the world.


There is something about good food that brings people together. Sharing a meal with others strengthens the bonds of friends and strangers alike. If you want to get to know a people, eat with them. Their food, their customs preparing it and surrounding it speak volumes about who they are. It tells their values. It teaches about their country, province, state, city, town, or village. It can reveal their traditions and their history. If you want to become friends with someone, or to befriend a stranger or an enemy, sit dow to a meal with them. Invite them to a meal with you. Te simply act of breaking bread with our fellow man and woman, can change the world.

Food can heal the mind and soul​​

To pay attention to the food one consumes, one can better understand their body. Different foods react to people differently. Too many time these days, we eat only what is most convenient, or what we crave most. Upon a careful examination though, one can begin to learn how different foods affect their bodies. Some foods will energize, some will drain. Some help to gain focus, others can make us feel sluggish or sick. The further we look into and seek to understand our own body, and the way our food impacts us, the further we can affect how our body is able to to process and absorb the nutrition of the tings we choose to eat.

Food can heal the body​

Many people are timid about food. Some stick to a handful of “safe” foods. Things they are familiar with. But our tastebuds are amazing little organs. It has been proven that the more often something is eaten, the more one begins to acquire a taste for it. This not only creates a love of new foods, but it teaches us to overcome obstacles at the beginning of a journey. Once embracing new ideas about foods, preparations, foods we are unaccustomed to takes place, it can awaken an adventurousness in our soul that can awaken our senses. This can lead to the excitement of trying new ethnic cuisines, foods prepared in new ways, and culinary preparations that feel daring. We may not like everything we taste, but the adventure of trying new foods can awaken our souls, strengthen our minds resolve to overcome the uncertainty of new ideas, concepts, and sensations. Instead of feeling like we are just pushing through life, these things lead us closer to embracing a life that is fully lived.

Food can heal relationships

A meal over after an argument can let people communicate directly, yet without the rush of sitting face to face and can disarm even the angriest or most hurt person. When two come together to share a meal and conversation, it can be the beginning of the next chapter in a relationship. As far back as biblical times and beyond, sharing meals have been a way of introducing ourselves to each other, to discuss troubles between cultures, and to heal pains caused by either side of a conflict. The breaking of bread has indeed been a time to grow closer to strangers, friends, family, and foe alike. The more we chose to sit and dine with our fellow humans, the better our world and understanding of it can become.


Content Creator

Driven by meeting new people, discovering new places, tasting new flavors and hearing magical sound from around the world, I am dedicating this site to inspiring not only myself, my children, family and friends to broaden their paradigm, but anyone who stumbles on this little passion project I have embarked on creating to memorialize our family’s memories and adventures.

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